
Increase your wellbeing

Mindfulness Mindfulness

In a complex, fast-moving environment it becomes more and more important to consciously navigate yourself and your teams. Mindfulness builds the core emotional intelligence skills needed to increase well-being and become an effective self-leader as well as a leader of others.

What is mindfulness?

Our attention is often hijacked by our thoughts and emotions, by our concerns, by our worries for the future, and by our regrets and memories of the past.

Mindfulness is awareness of the present moment. It is about learning to pay attention, in the present moment, and without judgment.

It can be trained like a muscle - training attention to be where you want it to be.

Mindfulness reduces your tendency to react on autopilot; it is about allowing you to choose how you respond.

To find out more

Visit the Global Mindfulness Practice JAM page

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At a glance

Flexible benefit

Flexible benefit

You can sign up for flexible benefits at any point during the year. Be aware that you can’t always make changes to these benefits at any time during the year, so check on the conditions when you sign up.

Benefit budget allowance

Benefit budget allowance

You’re able to claim some benefits from a benefit budget allowance, paid for on behalf of SAP Ireland.